You are not alone. Millions of Americans are caught in an obesigenic world that is plagued with fast food options around every corner, poor eating habits, a general lack of activity, high stress environments, insufficient sleep, and a "sick-care" health system. In this unsupportive environment, it is no wonder that two-thirds of adult Americans are overweight, and the predicted health of future generations is even more uncertain.
Take Shape For Life offers a simple ... more
Our Health ProgramIf someone offered you Optimal Health, would you take it?
Take Shape For Life is more than a weight-loss plan. Ours is a program for healthy living that will change you for good. Your free Health Coach guides you with the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan to lose weight quickly and safely, while helping you learn the healthy habits to keep the weight off.
Contact Tracy for a complimentary consulation:
Tracy Styer